Fuelo - Gas Logger Mobile App

"Fuelo - Gas Logger" is a simple and easy-to-use app to track mileage, fuel consumption and fuel costs. With this app, you can track loads, fuel consumption, vehicle mileage, gas costs / gas prices, and save money. See mileage overview and gas costs for one or more vehicles. It supports different types of fuel.

"Fuelo - Gas Logger" uses a full tank mechanism to calculate fuel consumption.Using this, the app can calculate the number of liters / gallon of fuel used between each filling. When purchasing fuel, simply enter the amount you purchased and the current reading of the odometer. The fill will calculate your fuel economy / efficiency, keep a record of purchases and the app provides statistics like total average consumption, fuel fills, fuel costs, and mileage in a fun and easy-to-use interface.

"Fuelo - Gas Logger" is an offline app and stores your data locally.

List of features:
- Easy and clean design
- mileage log / gas log (tracking of fillings, gas costs, fuel economy, partial shims, GPS location)
- vehicle management - fuel costs / costs Gas - Multiple Vehicles - Useful statistics (aggregate statistics, landfills, costs, average, fuel economy statistics)
- Unit of distance: kilometers, miles

- Unit of fuel: liters, US gallons, Imperial gallons

 Instagram poster designer ravi lakhtariya

Are you looking ios app conatct us : whatsapp : +919904795771
skype : lakhtariya78 or mail us : lakhtariya78@gmail.com
